
The GettingStarted guide

This hint GettingStarted is intended to give you all information how to get started with the hintlets.io platform and get the maximum value out of it immediately


/help/GettingStarted/file/get_started_001.pngWhen you log into the the hintlets.io platform, you start from the dashboard. The dashboard gives you an overview over the latest events, that happend in the system. By clicking on this "home" icon on the main menu, you will always get back to the dashboard.

Please be aware that you only see the events related to the hintlets, you are assigned to. If you want to learn more about the Dashboard, just click on this hint to get more information about the Dashboard.

Your hintlet

When you click on the hintlet icon, your hintlet is immediately opened and the Welcome hint is opened as default hint for the hintlet you have selected.

As you can see in this picture, the hintlets demo is currently assigned to out user Peter and this has been set as default so if he clicks on this hintlet icon, the hintlet Welcome page is opened. This is of course different in your case, because as a user, you are assigned to your hintlet(s) and yours is opened.

If you are interested in learning more about the HintletPage, please click on this hint and the help about the HintletPage opens


/help/GettingStarted/file/get_started_003.pngBy clicking on the messages icon in the main menu bar, the messages page is opened to exchange messages in between the persons, that are assigned to a hintlet.

If you want to learn more about the MessagesPage, please follow the hint to MessagesPage to get detailed information, how to work with the messages within hintlets.io


Needless to say, but to find the right information on the platform, the SearchPage is available by hitting the search icon on the main menu on the left.

If you want to learn, how to use the SearchPage the best way, just follow the hint SearchPage  to understand more how to find information you are looking for in the hintlets, you are assigned to



/help/GettingStarted/file/get_started_005.pngAll your personal settings are available by hitting the settings icon.

Please visit the SettingsPage hint to get all information, how to configure everything your way via the SettingsPage